Here’s a few of my web site projects. Full disclaimer, most of these sites are just splash pages and/or very old. I’ve decided to slowly start building them again, I even purchased a few older domains (from past projects) that were still available.
- GitHub – Some of my source code projects for my robotics and php books as well as other things I get an idea or two about.
- ScottsBots.Com – All my robotics related items. (Moving Here Soon)
- GrandviewAve.Com – A local site of Grandview Avenue listing all businesses, events and parking.
- ScottsChevelle.Com – A website about my car, a little more detailed than the quick post I might do here. (Moving Here Soon)
- BbqClock.Com – An app to collect and share BBQ Times for your favorite meats. Coming Soon!
- ThorsHammerGame.Com / AreYouWorthy.App – An app for an experimental React Native project to test if you’re worthy to hold Mjolnir (Thor’s Hammer). Link to the app in Apple’s App Store.
- Scotts3D.Com – For awhile I had 3D Printing Kits, Now it just links to an Etsy Store.
- Snagr.Com – Webcam Motion Capture Project.
That’s it for now. Enjoy!