The Big Network Refactor – Part 1

I’ve been having network problems of late and also because of security I wanted to better isolate my network from IoT devices from Google, Amazon, Hue, Etc.

I basically had a few ASUS routers (which have been great) and I’ve been using a Double NAT (Network Address Translation) with my more secure stuff behind another router. It’s worked fine for about 15 years but I wanted more security and more isolation.

First I tried to replace my Asus RT-AC86U and its DUAL WAN capabilities with an EdgeRouter-X by Ubiquity. No luck with the DUAL WAN and multiple LANs. As soon as I unplugged one of the WANS things worked and if I only had one LAN with DUAL WANS it would have worked. In hindsight, I could have just used a managed switch on the other side but I also didn’t want to spend another $300+ on access points.

So I decided to keep my Asus network and its AI Mesh routers for IoT and Media Streaming. My new purchases included:

Total cost $224 plus tax.

With these purchases, I get a VLAN capable Router with a firewall. A few managed switches with simple stand-alone management and web interface. A VLAN capable Multi-SSID Access Point also with stand-alone management.

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Synology SSH – No Password

While this is usually a trivial task it took me about an hour to get my permissions correct to get this to work. Here are the steps that finally let me get things working:

Open the sshd_conf by entering:

sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_conf

Then edit as follows:

RSAAuthentication yes
PubkeyAuthentication yes
AuthorizedKeysFile  .ssh/authorized_keys

Then go to your command line and change some file permissions.

#change {username to your login}
CHOWN the users directory to {username}:users
CHMOD user home directory to 755
CHMOD your .ssh directory to 700
CHMOD your authorized_keys file to 644

If you’re not sure about those files you will need to create and copy your public key to those directories. To do that just google “creating ssh key” then save your to the authorized key file below in .ssh/authorized_keys.

Restart your SSHD service via the web admin page (see below).

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Big Tech Purge – Alternatives

So if you’re a cord-cutter and want to get rid of YouTube.TV or Cable. Check this out. It will let you select your channels and show you the best options available for you to pick.

Today I canceled the following:

  • Apple Developer Program Renewal – My app “Thors Hammer” will go away, but I can do this via a website, if you recall I had huge problem getting this app “approved” anyway.
  • Amazon Music Unlimited – Might replace with Spotify.
  • Microsoft Game Pass – Will just buy games now.
  • YouTube.TV – Pending – Will substitute with Sling Blue & Maybe ESPN from Disney+ after the NCAA National Football Championship

Other Google services seem to be the easiest ones to cancel… Stay tuned for future updates.

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The Migration From Big Tech

I’ve not done much on my “blog” in the past several years. With FaceBook, Twitter & Instagram it’s been too easy to just post there, but given the censorship and potential Anti-Trust lawsuits I thought it best to get back to owning my own content and start blogging again.

So things to look forward to:

  • No More Images/Video on Facebook or Instagram. They will be post here about CNC, 3D Printing, Making In General and of course my Chevelle project.
  • No More Micro-Blogging on Twitter, though I’ll still keep my @scottpreston handle incase things normalize.
  • Articles on how to “disconnect” from Big Tech. My first will be to consolidate my cloud storage, maybe move everything to DropBox or OneDrive since Microsoft seems the least bad of the 3 (Apple, Google, Amazon). Secondly it will be disconnecting from Gmail, maybe moving to Outlook or just continuing to roll my own via another hosting provider.

All The Best!

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Installing Octoprint – Raspberry PI Sketch

As usual, instructions are not complete. I thought I’d share exactly what I did from bash history fresh install. I’ve excluded the fatal errors, with those and repeats excluded this is what I did:

sudo apt-get install git python2.7-dev libyaml-dev libpython2.7-dev
python -v
git clone
curl -o
python --user
~/.local/bin/pip install --user virtualenv
cd OctoPrint
~/.local/bin/virtualenv venv
venv/bin/python install
venv/bin/octoprint daemon start


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You’re Doing Your Tech Interview Wrong – 21 Tips

Here are 21 tips I’ve used when interviewing/hiring hundreds of people over the past 5 years. I hope you find them useful.
  1. If you’re asking questions that can be Googled, you’re wasting everyone’s time or you’re lazy.
  2. If you’re not asking questions that indicate someone’s attitude, you’re missing about 80% of their ability to succeed.
  3. A small test of fundamentals is far more indicative of success than gotcha questions.
  4. Ask what they do for fun and outside of work, get them to talk about it.
  5. Have the interviewee pair-program with you for a simple problem or two using the answer from 4 above.
  6. Focus on communication, curiosity, and creativity when pairing vs. the right answers.
  7. Understand how they work. Headphones on and solo? Or are they happy chatting and talking at a large table of other developers?
  8. Challenge them beyond their level of expertise and see how they respond. How do they respond to failure?
  9. Do they smile or laugh at themselves? Not taking yourself too seriously is pivotal to team dynamics and flexibility as requirements and projects change focus.
  10. Do they work on their own stuff outside of work or do they play video games or engage in other passive activities?
  11. Do they share? Have a blog? Are they on GitHub?
  12. Don’t give a code test and ask interviewees to perform “test”. This is another waste of time and a lazy way of evaluating candidates.
  13. See tip #1, #12 and don’t give the impression you’re too busy to interview someone, you’ll only get desperate developers.
  14. Developers with computer science backgrounds do just as well as those without.
  15. Introverted developers are just as good as extroverted ones, don’t confuse personality with ability.
  16. The fit is more important than ability if you’re interviewing someone for a maintenance role that’s much different than a greenfield project.
  17. Your interviewee should interview you, it’s a two-way street if they don’t ask questions about the culture or project that’s a red flag.
  18. Why are they looking to change careers? This will give you insight into how they will fit into your company/culture.
  19. Read their resume and ask questions about the skills they say are their strongest, be to the point and if they say they are 8/10 on a skill, inquire on that, not on something they might know.
  20. Ask how they learn new things, some people are book learners, others are doers.
  21. Trust your gut, if you don’t have a good instinct for people, bring someone who does into the evaluation process.

As I said I’ve interviewed hundreds of candidate and learned a lot over the years when evaluating people for potential roles and these ones seem to work the best.

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Upgrading The Thermostat Bot

The temperature bot a.k.a. the algorithm that controls the temperature in my house underwent a slight upgrade this week.


The old algorithm:

If (setTemperature > averageHouseTemperature) HEAT, otherwise COOL.

Simple right? Not so much.

Scenario 1:

Let’s say I set the temperature to 70, and it’s currently 71 in the house. According to the bot, the AC would go on, this would be fine if it was 80 degrees outside but not if it’s 55. I’d rather just open the windows, and furthermore, I want it to just stay off until I close the windows.

Scenario 2:

Let’s say I set the temperature to 72, and it’s currently 70 in the house. According to the Bot, the HEAT would go on, this would be fine if it was 55 degrees outside, but not if it’s 80. I’d rather just let it heat up naturally, then if it gets above 72, I want it the AC to come on.

Let’s look at these scenarios in more detail.

In Scenario 1, the set temp is LOWER than the average house temperature, rather than the AC turning on, I want to open the windows and I want the HEAT/AC to stay OFF.

In Scenario 2, the set temp is HIGHER than the average house temperature, rather than the HEAT turning on, I want the house to just heat up naturally but I want AC to kick on if it gets too HOT.

The new LOGIC.

return (outdoorTemp < 62 || outdoorTemp < 67 && setTemp > indoorTemp) 
   ? 'heat' : 'cool';

The final piece of the puzzle is I need to call this on an interval since the indoor and outdoor temperature will fluctuate throughout the day.

(Updated 4/18/2018)

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