In early December during the build of the Mark3 suit I had a catastrophic failure of my CNC Z-Axis limit switch. (See Below).
Because of this the machine was unable to home, and without being able to home, I couldn’t cut anything. I was unable to get it fixed with new parts until the week of Christmas and didn’t want to spend my entire holiday catching up trying to get it built.
I will post about the Mark 3 on my YouTube Channel “Almost Iron Man“.
So this week-end I did an experiment with Ethereum Mining. The first thing I did was use a calculator. Here’s one from
Now according to this calculator, I should make around $36 bucks a month for my Nvidia GTX 1060 Card. Well, I did an experiment and after 28 hours I made $1.10. This comes out to about $0.04/hour or $0.94/day, but I’m actually paying $0.49 in electricity cost. So the net is $0.45/day or $13.71 per month. This makes the calculator wrong by about 263%. This link above has net profit at $1.20/day. So the hash rate was a lot lower than stated both on miner and on other estimates for this card.
I found this when looking for media from my original Exo-Skeleton talk. Sadly nobody thought of recording it while doing the talk, we were all too busy hoping I wouldn’t fall over.
The next step in setting up my network was adding additional “LANS” to my network. So while before I was happy with two networks 192168.1.1/24 and I really wanted more isolation from my IoT network, Security Camera Network, my Raspberry PI and Smart-Home network and the computers and devices we use all the time.
Here’s a list of my networks:
Home Private Network
Semi-Private Network & Private WiFi
Raspberry Pi Network & WiFi
Security Camera Network & WiFi
IoT & Media Network & WiFi
Guest Network
To do this I needed a router and firewall (EdgeRouter-X) and I needed a few managed switches because I didn’t want to run new cable.
Starting with the router I set-up the following:
EdgeRouter-X Swtich0 Configuration
The interesting thing I needed to learn here is the PVID is a “tagged” VLAN. I made this correspond to the network This means anything that connects to this port “unmanaged” will get an IP from the DHCP server. But if there’s a managed switch connected to this network, it will be able to route traffic for the VLANs 10,20,30, and 40.
The second thing I needed to do was configure my managed switch. DLink DGS-1100-08V2.
Managed Switch VLAN Configuration
The tagged VLAN port here is eth1. This is tagged with VID = 4. This is the same PVID leaving the router. I have 2 untagged ports eth6 and eth7 for this VLAN. This means they will get IP addresses from the DHCP server just like it was connected to eth4 from my EdgeRouter-X.
I connected my Access Point and my other managed switch to eth6 and eth7.
I have eth2 mapped to 10, so now anything connected there will get addresses. I have eth3 mapped to 20, so now anything connected there will get addresses. I have eth4 mapped to 30, so now anything connected there will get addresses. I have eth5 mapped to 40, so now anything connected there will get addresses.
Notice the PVID up on the top row as well. 4, 10, 20, 30, 40, 4, 4, 1.
The last setting was configuring my access point. This is an EnGenius EAP1300.
I always found it a pain to deal with Python libraries and virtual environments on my Raspberry Pis. I decided to give Docker a try as it would completely isolate my OctoPrint environment from the other stuff I had running on the PI.
Step 1 – Installing Docker
curl -fsSL -o
sudo sh ./
sudo usermod -aG docker pi
#remember to logout and back in
docker info
docker run hello-world
You should get an output like this:
Step 2 – Install and Run OctoPrint
# find your serial port
ls -latr /dev/tty
# create a volume
docker volume create octoprint
# run your container
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped -v octoprint:/octoprint \
-p 5000:80 --device /dev/ttyUSB1:/dev/ttyUSB1 --name octoprint \ octoprint/octoprint
Replace 5000 with the port you want it on and ttyUSB1 with your serial port identifier.
Now you can browser to your PI’s IP address http://ipaddress:5000
I’ve been having network problems of late and also because of security I wanted to better isolate my network from IoT devices from Google, Amazon, Hue, Etc.
I basically had a few ASUS routers (which have been great) and I’ve been using a Double NAT (Network Address Translation) with my more secure stuff behind another router. It’s worked fine for about 15 years but I wanted more security and more isolation.
First I tried to replace my Asus RT-AC86U and its DUAL WAN capabilities with an EdgeRouter-X by Ubiquity. No luck with the DUAL WAN and multiple LANs. As soon as I unplugged one of the WANS things worked and if I only had one LAN with DUAL WANS it would have worked. In hindsight, I could have just used a managed switch on the other side but I also didn’t want to spend another $300+ on access points.
So I decided to keep my Asus network and its AI Mesh routers for IoT and Media Streaming. My new purchases included:
(2) D-Link DGS-1100-08p managed switches ($35 each Micro Center)
1 EnGenius EAP1300 Access Point ($89 Micro Center)
Total cost $224 plus tax.
With these purchases, I get a VLAN capable Router with a firewall. A few managed switches with simple stand-alone management and web interface. A VLAN capable Multi-SSID Access Point also with stand-alone management.