February 2016

JavaScript has become Java, sigh…

  • If I wanted to work with compiled languages, I would have stuck with Java.
  • If I wanted complicated build systems, I would have stuck with Java.
  • If I wanted complicated all encompassing frameworks, I would have stuck with Java.
  • If I wanted complicated unreadable error messages, I would have stuck with Java.
  • If I wanted to run server side code (Node) in my browser, I would have stuck with Java.

Something needs to happen to fix JavaScript making it more and more like Java is not the answer. Or is it time to move to another language with less ceremony???

JavaScript has become Java, sigh… Read More »

libopenzwave.so error

If you’ve ever seen this error:

MinOZW: error while loading shared libraries: libopenzwave.so.1.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory


Error: libopenzwave.so.1.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Just type this and it did the trick for me (Ubuntu 14.04).

sudo ldconfig /usr/local/lib64


libopenzwave.so error Read More »

Simple React Example

So I’ve been trying to find a simple React example, one that uses a flux implementation that works out of the box in a browser without any compilation or node stuff. I couldn’t find one so I built one. Here it is: https://github.com/scottpreston/react-examples.

This requires, RefluxJS, ReactJS, React-Dom and a Browser. You can use node to run it if you want, but that’s not required. Enjoy! (Copy-Paste & ES5 Compatible)

    // the action, nothing special
    var myAction = Reflux.createAction();

    // the store, holds state and listens to action.
    var myStore = Reflux.createStore({
        times: 0,
        init: function () {
            this.listenTo(myAction, this.actionCallback);
        actionCallback: function () {

    // the react component, which subscribtes to the store and updates it's state via listen
    var CountBox = React.createClass({
        displayName: 'CountBox',
        getInitialState: function () {
            return {count: 0};
        componentDidMount: function () {
            var self = this;
            myStore.listen(function (data) {
                self.setState({count: data});
        render: function () {
            return (
                // the component in plain old JS no JSX
                    React.createElement('div', {className: "countBox"},
                            "Count Value =  " + this.state.count

            React.createElement(CountBox, {count: 0}),

    document.querySelector("#test").addEventListener("click", function() {

Simple React Example Read More »

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